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Chiewlarn Story Telling

      “Panvaree The Greenery” and Tonrak Tour would like to invite you to recall the legend of Cheow Lan Dam through visiting a small museum named “The Museum of Cheow Lan Memoir” which contains the history and memorable events that tell us the story of the way of life of people, wildlife, and the important people in the past.

      With deepest gratitude and appreciation, this museum was established as a part of “Cheow Lan Story Telling” activity which we aim to pass the inspiration derived from the historical memories forward and to create the conservation awareness. Hope that the story of ancestors and villagers who had sacrificed their homes and the wild animals which had been massively killed, both impacted and forced by the construction of this reservoir will be commemorated and will never be forgotten.

      At night, our boat will take you the sacred shrine of local people “Phor Ta Jong Dong Shrine”. You’ll be told of the memorable story of the remarkable lake before floating a Krathong (a small lotus-shaped receptacle) on the water to pay respect to the sacrifice of great spirits. The villagers have believed that “Phor Ta Jong Dong spirit” will protect everyone in this sacred place.

      Today, "Cheow Lan Dam" is still a multi-purpose dam which gives enormous benefits to local people like electricity generation, irrigation, flood control, fishing, and also tourism revenue, living up to the name "Rajjaprabha Dam" given by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great, which means the Light of the Reign.



309/8-9 ถ.ตลาดใหม่ ต.ตลาด อ.เมือง จ.สุราษฎร์ธานี 84000


โทรศัพท์ 089 132 0007 , 086 316 1705


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